Sunday, July 31, 2011

I suppose I owe you collection photos too.......

Shame on me...I never actually posted photos of any of the finished pieces here :)
Well here we go!

Starting with my 3rd year Iron Maiden collection (the two outfits in the middle are mine):

Followed by my 4th year degree collection "Ice Cream Sunday":

This was an 8 outfit collection with loads of knit and dip dyeing....a few intricate hand tooled eyelet patterns that can't be seen properly and tuck stitching without punchcards.......the machines in college were a bit dodgy :(

I was also lucky enough to be a finalist in the Nokia Young Designer Awards 2010 with a Kick Ass Knitdress Design that made one of the big papers in Ireland and covered half the page :) I'll have to scan in the Clipping one of these days!

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